Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Paleo Chocolate Zucchini Muffins

Hello there! It has been a while. I have a crazy life and have been on a bit of a hiatus from blogging.
I am back though!!! So I have decided to live a mostly paleo life since I last posted. I have really noticed a difference in the behavior of my children since cutting grains from there diet. Also a difference in the way I feel. Which works for me! The only problem is I love bread so I cheat sometimes and to me its OK as long as it isn't our day to day life. So with that being said I am always looking for creative ways to make my kids treats that they don't know are good for them! I am sneaky like that. So I made these this week to put in there lunch. I had to hide them because they devoured them!!! Which makes me HAPPY!


!/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup tapioca flour
1/2 cup almond flour
3/4 cocoa powder
2 tsp baking soda
3 1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups pitted dates
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup water
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup ghee, coconut oil, or butter
4 eggs
1 large carrot shredded
1 zucchini shredded
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)


preheat oven to 350
In a mixing bowl combine all dry ingredients whisk until well combined.
In a sauce pan add dates, syrup, honey, and water bring to a boil then cover with a lid and let cool for 5 minutes.
In a food processor puree date mixture until smooth.
Add oil to date mixture puree until smooth.
Add vanilla and eggs one at a time with the processor on.
Add the wet ingredients to the the dry and and mix thoroughly.
Mix in shredded carrot, shredded zucchini, and walnuts.
line muffin tins with muffin or cupcake liners and fill them about 2/3 full.
Bake for 13-16 minutes